Introduction :
Kernux is a fully kernel-mode http-daemon for Linux. Currently Kernux is in it's developing stage. Similiar developments in the same area were khttpd by Arjan van de van and Tux web-server by Ingo Molnar. Khttpd was included in the linux testing kernel 2.5 by Linus Torvalds. But it was actually not in kernel-mode of operation. Also it handled dynamic requests which is assumed to be insecure for the server OS by the Linux kernel developers. Tux is another implementation of kernel mode http-daemon, being developed by RedHat. The developer is Ingo Molnar, the creator of O(1) scheduler, which control the procsses from Linux version 7.2 onwards.
Working of Kernux :
Kernux works as a kernel module, like a device driver. It uses low-level socket operations to handle the client requests. Kernux consist of a number of threads running parallely in the OS level (kernel_threads). An idle kernel-thread receives a connection from a wait queue, maintained at the Operating System level and serves it. The pacularity is that, it uses no duplication of sockets like that in other servers, but a single socket, which is accessed by multiple kernel-threads and is maintained by a mutual exclusion system. Each thread, after analysing the request type, ie. whether it is static or dynamic, serves the client. The system is presently configured to handle only static requests. The dynamic requests are handed over to a user-mode webserver of user's choice, like Apache.
Click here to download the first release of Kernux 1.0 source. It currently supports only the Fedora Core 4 with kernel version 2.6.11-1.1369.
Kernux was developed by Girish A., Krishnendusekhar J. and Tony Augustine, a group of three Linux newbies. They coded it as their academic main project for the Bachelor of Technology Degree course in Information Technology under University of Kerala, from Amrita Institute of Technology and Science, Kollam, Kerala, India.
E-Mails can be sent to : kernux at linuxmail dot org
E-Mail IDs of developers are:
girishadat at yahoo dot com
krishnendusekhar at yahoo dot com
tonyaugustine123 at yahoo dot com
Hope this software goes through the hands of a lot of freelance developers and thus become able to compete with it's opponents.
Please read the TERMS OF USE, given in the README.txt included along with the package.
Any suggestions are whole heartedly welcomed.